The flat top bit of my knees hurt.
I’m sure there’s a technical name for that, the bit you kneel on, the bit that you can put your fingers around and wiggle away from the rest of your leg. It hurts on the flat bit and just below, in the connecty bit that does some bending.
My patella hurts. Also I’m feeling sensitivity around the top of my tibia, perhaps it is my cruciate ligaments.
Now this pain is only a very minor background pain, but it’s in both of my knees and I haven’t fallen over recently so I’m taking notice.
I’m assuming either it’s my body telling me that it’s had enough, that it preferred being fat and lazy than this stupid exercise business, or it’s my mind being terrified about Sunday and trying to make up last minute excuses.
At the beginning of this year I was pretty happy with new ‘Fitness Jess’, so happy in fact that I entered myself in the City to Surf, a 12km road race with lots of hills and lots of spectators. At the time I entered the race wasn’t for 8 months, so the fact that I was no way near fit enough wasn’t really an issue.
But now it’s the day after tomorrow. No more time for training. Crappo.
So I’ve been training, kinda. I can now run 5km no problem, but that’s as far as I’ve gone. I’ve walked 12km heaps and heaps of times. I work out every week, some weeks even managing 4 or 5 hours of cardio plus strength training. Most weeks it’s only two or three though.
I know I haven’t done enough.
If I run even half way I will be stoked. If I finish without stopping for brunch I will be stoked.
I really, really, really don’t want to end up on the loser bus. The bus for the people who couldn’t make it to the finish line.
Knees. Please don’t let the team down.
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