Friday, July 2, 2010

Two Jumpers Helps.

The two coldest roads I know of in perth are thomas street heading towards UWA and mounts bay road – either direction. I think it’s kings park that makes thomas street so cold, the dark, the green, the trees. Mounts bay road for the same reason, the dark, the green, the trees and the river. I always feel just a touch warmer when I reach the city. I have to take one of these road to get home from work. I hate them. Riverside drive should be equally as cold, but im just that little bit closer to home so I don’t feel it as much.

I feel the cold, really feel it. This is the time of the year that I usually spend snuggled up somewhere with a million layers of clothing, a blanket, a hot water bottle and a book. Still shivering from the cold.
I would prefer to lock myself away until late September, appearing only on those freakishly lovely winter days we sometimes have, but not unless it hits 27 degrees.

I’ve been riding the scooter sor far this winter (its only just July and it feels like ive been cold for months) riding the scooter to and from work – a thirty minute ride these days and have been experimenting with different methods of staying unfrozen.

I wear thick tights under my pants, I wear jeans to work whenever possible. On my top half I wear a singlet, a t-shirt, a jumper, a big f-off warm as I can find jacket and a scarf. I wear thickest gloves I could find, I wear knee high boots with my tights under my pants, I wrap my scarf a liitle bit muslim so it covers my ears and my chin and I wear a beanie under my helmet.

I don’t care what I look like. I don’t need to be cool. I just need to not freeze.

I also distract myself from the cold by keeping myself entertained. I probably should concentrate on the road but then I would freeze. I entertain myself by counting things, street poles, other cars, trees that are taller than buildings. I like counting and timing, see how fast the poles whizz past me, see how many cars pass me before we get to the next traffic light and how many of them I then pass through at the lights. I like to race cars, find one and race it to the spot where we go our separate ways, and then I find another to race to the next intersection.

I wore 2 jumpers last night under my jacket, and I tucked my jacket sleeves into my gloves, it was almost warm.

It’s my birthday in one week. I will be older.

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