So it’s that time of the year when we all look back on the past twelve months and go, “where the hell did that go and why don’t I have more to show for it?”
Not quite so much for me this year – I did get hitched – and pull off the best wedding ever. I also started a blog, started renovating our backyard, spent a few weeks away in Malaysia and Bali, lost my job, got a new one, finally taught the dog how to sit (most of the time) and reached my quarter of a century. Footballers, actors and crazy overachieving freaks aside – I think I’m doing quite well for 25. Go me.
This time of the year still does make me look at my life and look at the years ahead and ponder what I want to do, and write a list about it.
Things I plan to do eventually. In the future. No specific time limits or deadlines set – just ‘someday’
Write an erotic novel.
Go skydiving
Go paragliding
Have something published
Have a nude photo shoot
Make a soufflé (a good one)
Be a non-blonde again
Spend a day at a nudey beach - completely
Learn to dive
Swim with whale sharks
Compete in a triathlon
Go to Bhutan and see the effects of ‘gross national happiness’
Snorkel/dive Ningaloo reef
Go ‘proper’ camping
Put plants in the back garden
Give birth
Live in France – if only for a few months
Become fluent in French
Be pikies and drive around Aus in a campervan
Go hiking
Me < 60kg
See snow – not the crap stuff on the ground but see it actually fall from the sky
Somehow get backstage at a concert (may already be too old/married for this one)
Write poetry as an adult
Learn to surf
Learn to snowboard
Learn to spend a whole night in heels (and remain vertical)
Learn to salsa
Invent something
Be an extra on TV or in a movie
Be in another play
Get a tattoo
Cross an international land border
Learn to sail
Have a job title I’m proud of
Be asked to present a speech for something
Get rid of the green tinge from my hair
Be able to run 10km
I hope to start ticking things off my list ASAP – next week sounds good.
Here is my old list Jess:
ReplyDeleteAs I do things, I go back and tick them off via the blog post.
Also, as promised, I found the old book containing our first 'things I love/things I hate' list. It's fifteen pages long! I'm proud to say that, as teenagers, the things we loved far outnumbered the things we hated. This book also contains our initial stab at achieving something resembling the first thing on your list...